SWAT Members Coming Home

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May 012015
BCSO in Baltimore

BCSO in Baltimore

For Immediate Release
May 1, 2015

SWAT Members Coming Home

Butler County Sheriff Richard K. Jones reports that the six members of the Butler County Regional SWAT Team left last night around midnight to come home from Baltimore.

“Their last security detail ended last night around midnight. With the atmosphere being much calmer than previous nights, I made the decision to bring them home. They drove about half way home last night and then stopped at a hotel until sometime this morning,” said the Sheriff.

The Sheriff is very proud of these individuals for making the sacrifice from their families to lend a hand to another agency.  He anticipates their return late this evening.

Prepared by:
Sgt. Melissa Gerhardt
Public Information Officer

Sheriff Sending SWAT to Baltimore

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Apr 282015
Sheriff meets with SWAT members before departure

Sheriff meets with SWAT members before departure

For Immediate Release
April 28, 2015

Sheriff Sending SWAT to Baltimore

Butler County Sheriff Richard K. Jones reports that he is sending some of his finest to Baltimore Maryland to help police. Governor Larry Hogan declared a state of emergency and called up the National Guard, and state police requested as many as 5,000 reinforcements from neighboring states. Tensions arose after the death of 25-year-old Freddie Gray who suffered a spinal injury while in police custody. The case is currently under investigation and findings have not been announced. As of Monday evening, police had made 27 arrests.

“I don’t get it, I understand the right to be upset, I get the right to freedom of speech, but what I will never understand is the mentality to completely destroy a city unless you’re nothing more than a low-life criminal. There is not a reason in the world to act like a thug criminal and set fires, loot, assault people and officers. What do you gain from that? I’m appalled that citizens are destroying their own livelihood and using the excuse, yes, excuse that they are upset over the death of Mr. Gray. I am sending some of my S.W.A.T. members to assist the police any way they can,” said the Sheriff.

The troops leave today for the 8 hour trip to Baltimore. Sergeant Ed Tanner led the troops in prayer before they left. There is no determined date to return at this time.

Prepared by:
Sgt. Melissa Gerhardt
Public Information Officer

Related: Butler County Regional SWAT Team