Inmate Medical Unit

Medical Administrator Brian Ruhl
The Inmate Medical Unit is a 24 hour, 365 day operation, and is supervised by Medical Administrator Brian Ruhl. Duties and responsibility include screening new inmates, sick call, medicine distribution, and emergency medical care.
Inmates are medically screened upon entering the facility to discern special needs or medication requirements. Inmates who require medical care during their stay may make the request by filling out a “green slip.” These requests are submitted to the medical staff who assess them and arrange the appropriate treatment. Medics perform sick-call visits in each pod on a daily basis and the facility houses a full-time nurse, an on-call physician and a part-time dentist to serve the inmate’s medical needs. For treatments not provided by the facility, inmates can be transported to the appropriate outside medical provider by the Transportation unit.
The unit includes:
- Medical Director / Doctor Tony Abdullah
- Physician Assistant Steve Purdy
- Medical Administrator Brian Ruhl
- Medical Supervisor Carla Estep
- Medical Supervisor Timothy Vaughan
- Paramedics
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The Sheriff’s Office recognizes than an arrest and incarceration can be one of the most traumatic events in the average person’s life. A forensic team, comprised of three full-time licensed employees and a part-time psychiatrist, is available to provide the inmates with crisis intervention, suicidal / homicidal risk assessments, special housing requirements, medications and post discharge planning. Inmates are assessed for their need of forensic intervention upon entering the facility and a system has been implemented allowing inmates to leave a request via phone for forensic aid during their stay. This line is monitored 24 hours a day, seven days a week. Once under forensic care, the forensic team interacts with these inmates on a daily basis or until they are returned to the general population.