Female Follows Deputy For 11 Miles In A Stolen Car To See Where He Is Going

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Aug 162020

For Immediate Release

August 16, 2020 

Female Follows Deputy For 11 Miles In A Stolen Car To See Where He Is Going
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Butler County Sheriff Richard K. Jones reports on August 16, 2020, at 0700 hours, while Sgt. Matala was driving to work in a marked patrol car, Sgt. Matala noticed a vehicle following him from Wayne Madison Road and Trenton Road in the City of Trenton for 11 miles matching his turns to a parking lot on Bobmeyer Road in the City of Hamilton. Besides following the Sgt., the driver of the vehicle committed a few moving violations so when followed into the parking lot, the Sgt. initiated a stop.

Christina King of Middletown was driving a stolen B-Safe Driver Education car.  When asked why she was following the Sgt., she replied, “She just wanted to see where he was going”.

Sheriff Jones stated, “They drive to our jail and get arrested in the parking lot, now they are following our deputies across the county just to be arrested. We have a lot of deputies working today if anyone else wants to turn themselves in”.

This Is Not The America I Know And Love

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Aug 062020

For Immediate Release

August 6, 2020 

This Is Not The America I Know And Love

Sheriff Richard K. Jones states he is concerned the government in some cities
in America has over reached and are allowed too much control during this
pandemic. Sheriff Jones states he is seeing where California is threatening to
cut off water and electric to churches and any large group that are not
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What are they going to do next; cut off our food supply if we do not comply? New York is conducting
traveler’s checkpoints at bridges and tunnels stopping cars and detaining
people from other states.

“What is going on here, these cities are using law enforcement to enforce
these mandates which I want no part of. My deputies can be more effective
elsewhere; this is not the definition of the land of the free. We the people are
allowing the government too much control. We the people need to take our
country back”, states Sheriff Jones.

St. Clair Township, Two Car Fatal Crash

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Jul 252020

For Immediate Release

July 25, 2020 

Such problem can be tackled and ignored by using a medication known as Tadalafil (or aimhousepatong.com cialis line order). So, never left untreated the problem of over masturbation. cialis 10 mg find out this aimhousepatong.com The advantages of using a viagra prescription Canadian online pharmacy are plenty. There is no compelling reason to get a rock hard erection within a levitra prices canada few minutes of its consumption. St. Clair Township, Two Car Fatal Crash

Butler County Sheriff Richard K. Jones reports that on July 25, 2020, at approximately 3:20pm, Deputies along with Fire and EMS from St Clair Twp. and Hamilton, were dispatched to Hamilton Cleves Rd. at Town and Country for a head on crash. Vehicle travelling south on Hamilton Cleves went left of center striking vehicle travelling north head on. Air Care responded flying driver of southbound vehicle. Passenger of southbound vehicle was transported and pronounced dead at Hospital. Four people were transported from the vehicle travelling northbound. At this time it is unknown of the extent of injuries. The name of the deceased is being withheld pending notification of next of kin, and will be released by the Butler County Coroner’s Office pending completion of an autopsy.

The Butler County Serious Traffic Accident Reconstruction Team responded to the scene.  At this time the cause of the crash in under investigation.  Further information will be available from the Butler County Sheriff’s Office Public Information Office upon completion of the investigation.

Hamilton Main Charged With Felony Cruelty To A Companion Animal

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Jul 232020

For Immediate Release

July 23, 2020 

Hamilton Man Charged With Felony Cruelty To A Companion Animal

Sheriff Richard K. Jones reports the Butler County Sheriff’s Office Dog
Warden was called out to an incident in Hamilton of a male subject who had
abused his canine. Upon arrival, it was discovered that a seven-year-old pit
bull named Karmin had been put into a chokehold for over a three-hour
period eventually resulting in the animal’s death.

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investigation, the Dog Warden was advised the subject was hearing voices
from the television telling him the “dog was evil.”
Twenty nine-year-old Justin Lunsford has been arrested for Cruelty to a
Companion Animal (F5). The necropsy showed evidence of strangulation.
Karmin’s body has been sent to the Ohio State University for further

“I shake my head trying to figure some people out. If ever I were speechless,
it would be now,” states Sheriff Jones.

Butler County Undercover Regional Narcotics Taskforce (BURN) Search Warrant Arrests

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Jul 232020

For Immediate Release

July 23, 2020 

Butler County Undercover Regional Narcotics Taskforce (BURN) Search Warrants Arrests

Sheriff Richard K. Jones reports on Wednesday, July 22, 2020, the Butler County Undercover Regional Narcotics Taskforce    (BURN) conducted two search warrants in the City of Hamilton, Butler County.  The search warrants were executed at 1132 Bishop Avenue and 3519 Freeman Avenue.  There were three handguns, approximately 40 THC candy-like edibles, and 8.45 pounds of marijuana seized, along with about $22,000 of US currency.

Daryl Dennis (age 55) was arrested at Bishop Avenue and Michael Porrazzo (age 39) was arrested at 3519 Freeman Avenue, both for Having Weapons Under Disability.  Additional charges are pending once laboratory results are obtained.

“I don’t care who you are or where you’re from, if you’re going to deal drugs of any type in Butler County, you will go to jail”, states Sheriff Jones.
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Madison Township Groomer Charged With Cruelty To A Companion Animal

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Jul 202020

For Immediate Release

July 20, 2020

Madison Township Groomer Charged With Cruelty To A Companion Animal

Sheriff Richard K. Jones reports on June 20, 2020 the Butler County Sheriff’s Office Dog
Wardens received information that dog owner Tina Brady had taken her thirteen-year-old
female Yorkshire terrier, Lacey, to a groomer that had branched out on her own after the
groomers she was employed with had shut down due to COVID-19. Ms. Brady stated the
groomer dropped Lacey off, after the grooming, at her residence. The K-9 was
whimpering, falling over and unable to walk holding her head towards the ground. Lacey
was taken to MedVet for emergency care. It was determined the K-9 suffered blunt force
trauma to the head, bruising around the neck and shoulders and seven broken ribs causing
lung contusions.

he owner decided to euthanize Lacey due to the extent of injuries.
The Butler County Sheriff’s Office Dog Wardens, during their investigation, determined
groomer Andra Edison conducted a (Dominance/Submission Hold) holding the four-pound
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veterinarian at MedVet, this may have been the cause of the broken ribs and contusions.
The bruising on the neck was most likely from the chain or leash used by the groomer to
hold the K-9 still.

Fifty one year old Andra Edison of Madison Township is charged with Cruelty to a
Companion Animal (M2).
“It’s scary to think you drop your dog off to be groomed and she comes back in such a
condition you have to have her euthanized. That’s when we step in to make sure the
person responsible faces a judge,” states Sheriff Jones.





Search Underway For Missing Fisherman In Great Miami River

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Jun 142020

For Immediate Release

June 14, 2020

Search Underway For Missing Fisherman In Great Miami River

Sheriff Richard K. Jones reports a search is underway for a forty seven
year old male fishing in the Great Miami River. It was reported at
approximately 8:30pm on June 13, 2020 that the fisherman attempted
to swim across the river and did not reach the other side. The Butler
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along with multiple other agencies. These rescue teams have been
working diligently in this search effort near the US 27 bridge bordering
Ross and Colerain Township.

“The river may look shallow in areas giving the illusion of a fun time
but make no mistake swift currents and undertow can turn deadly in
seconds. We are hoping this will be a rescue mission,” states Sheriff

Second Shooter Charged In Liberty Township Homicide

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Jun 122020

For Immediate Release

June 12, 2020

Second Shooter Charged In Liberty Township Homicide

Sheriff Richard K. Jones reports the on-going investigation into the
homicide of Antaun Hill Jr., June 10, 2020 in Liberty Township has
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has been charged with Felonious Assault (F2).

“These investigations take time to piece together but eventually we
determine the who, what, when and where and why,” states Sheriff

Wanted: Tyree Jeffrey Cross

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Jun 122020

For Immediate Release

June 12, 2020

Wanted : Tyree Jeffrey Cross

Sheriff Richard K. Jones reports the Butler County Sheriff ’s Office
Detective’s Division has been diligently working the homicide
investigation of Khalic Milton that occurred in Liberty Township on
June 09, 2020.

Two subjects involved in the shooting death of Mr.
Milton have been apprehended and charged. The Sheriff ’s office is
asking for your assistance in locating the third subject involved.
Felony warrants have been issued on Tyree Jeffrey Cross. Tyree is a
twenty five year old B/M, D.O.B 11/16/1994, 5’10 and 160lbs. The
warrants issued are for Complicity to Murder (F1) Complicity to
Aggravated Robbery (F1) and Unlawful Sexual Conduct with a Minor
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If you observe Tyree Cross, please do not approach, call 911.

“Fighting crime is not limited to Law Enforcement. If you as a citizen
know where this subject is located or can assist our Investigators in
locating him please contact the Butler County Sheriff ’s Office(513)785-
1309”, states Sheriff Jones





Five Shot, Two Killed In Recent Gun Violence

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Jun 112020

For Immediate Release

June 11, 2020

Five Shot, Two Killed In Recent Gun Violence

Butler County Sheriff Richard K. Jones reports that on 06/10/2020 shortly after 10PM a 911 call was received by the Butler County Communications Center that someone had been shot. When Deputies arrived one person was transported to the West Chester Medical Center with life threatening injuries and was later pronounced deceased. Two others had been transported by personal vehicles with non-life threatening injuries.

The incident last night occurred less than 48 hours of another shooting just yards away that resulted in one death and one injury. These two incidents are not believed to be related.

Both of these shooting incidents took place at Liberty Park on Yankee Road in Liberty Township
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Sheriff Jones will be holding a press conference later today at 11AM at the Butler County Jail.

“Gun violence will not be tolerated in Butler County” states Sheriff Jones.