For Immediate Release
April 14, 2014
Sheriff Awards Communications Section Staff
Last week, Butler County Sheriff Richard K. Jones and Chief Deputy Anthony E. Dwyer presented awards to members of the Sheriff’s Communications Section, recognizing them for outstanding service in several areas.
Dispatchers, IT Technicians, Communications Technicians and supervisors were awarded commendations for successfully completing the project to merge the Hamilton dispatch center’s operations into the BCSO center. That center began dispatching for the City of Hamilton’s police and fire departments in December 2013 as the result of tremendous planning and implementation efforts by many staff members. “Aside from building the Butler County Jail and the countywide radio system, this was one of the largest projects ever completed by this office,” Chief Deputy Dwyer said.

Sheriff Jones and HPD Officer Stafford with Dispatch Supervisor Sheppard and Dispatchers Rednour, Taylor and Miller
In addition, awards were presented to the dispatchers who were working the day in February when Hamilton Police Officer Chad Stafford responded to a call for a man with a gun and was shot during the confrontation. Officer Stafford not only survived but has returned to work, and he joined the Sheriff during the awards presentation. Dispatchers on duty at the time of the shooting were presented with a certificate of merit, and dispatchers who came in to assist were presented with a commendation. “I was proud to see that, just two months in to the merger, our dispatch center was able to handle a major incident like this as smoothly as they’re handling the day to day operations,” Sheriff Jones said.
Dispatchers Awarded for the Shooting Incident
Ballauer, Samantha |
Fryer, Paige |
Jackson, Buddy |
Miller, Heather |
Miller, Tami |
Mondello, Angie |
Parker, Heather |
Rednour, Debbie |
Root, Donna |
Sheppard, Miranda |
Short, Bonnie |
Taylor, David |
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Staff Awarded for the Dispatch Center Merger
Addis, Misty |
Bake, William |
Ballauer, Samantha |
Berry, Ben |
Best, Lindsay |
Bosken, Dawn |
Calbeck, Amy |
Carpenter, Ken |
Ferneding, Jennifer |
Flick, Kelli |
Franke, Matt |
Fryer, Paige |
Gerhardt, Melissa |
Jackson, Buddy |
Kaiser, Tanya |
Kellum, Matt |
Ketteler, Mark |
Langmeyer, Todd |
Magill, Ralph |
Metsker, Kay |
Miller, Heather |
Miller, Tami |
Mondello, Angie |
O’Neill, Robin |
Parker, Heather |
Powell, Jill |
Prewitt, Kim |
Readnower, Joshua |
Rednour, Debbie |
Reynolds, Becky |
Robertston, Holly |
Root, Donna |
Schultheiss, Carrie |
Scott, Erica |
Sheppard, Miranda |
Sherwin, Susan |
Short, Bonnie |
Steele, Brandon |
Taylor, Dave |
Turner, Darla |
Vedra, Bill |
Wells, Courtney |
Young, Charles |
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