For Immediate Release
October 16, 2013
Sheriff: “Animal Cruelty Should be a Felony”
Butler County Sheriff Richard K. Jones, whose official duties now include those of also being the County Dog Warden, announces he is in favor of changing Ohio law to make Cruelty to Animals a felony offense. Current law classifies the offense as only a 2nd-degree misdemeanor, punishable by a maximum of 90 days in jail, and the Sheriff believes that just isn’t enough.
Fueled by the latest case involving an emaciated pit bull dog in Middletown, demonstrators outside the courtroom there have been expressing their anger towards the incident itself and the current law. The Sheriff agrees.

This emaciated pit bull was located by a BCSO Deputy Dog Warden in Middletown.
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In a letter sent yesterday to various Ohio legislators, with copies to the Buckeye State Sheriffs’ Association and the Public Animal Welfare Society (PAWS), the Sheriff is supporting H.B 274 currently under consideration, and is calling for tougher animal cruelty laws that elevate the offense to felony levels.
“Companion animals, such as pet dogs and cats, are totally dependent on their human owners for food, shelter, and safety,” said the Sheriff. “If someone purposely denies care for that pet or treats it in a cruel or tortuous manner, they deserve to have a penalty that more appropriately fits their actions. We’ve got to do something to try to stop the senseless ways that some people treat their pets. There’s just no excuse for mistreating a defenseless animal,” said Sheriff Jones.
Prepared by:
Sgt. Monte Mayer
Public Information Officer
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