Central Records
Central Records offer the public services such as Fingerprinting (Ohio BCI & FBI National Web checks), Local Background checks, Public Records Requests, Tow Releases, Inmate Property Releases and copies of accident and criminal offense reports. Traffic citations are also received and entered by the Record’s Division. They entered three thousand four hundred twenty-four (3,424) citations into a database in 2017.
Central Records validated three thousand three hundred eight-six (3,386) offense and incident reports that were created by patrol deputies. Central Records performed four thousand four hundred fifty-one (4,451) Local Backgrounds and Web checks. This is a substantial increase from last year, more than one hundred four thousand one hundred nineteen dollars ($104,119) was reported collected.
Assisting the courts and other public agencies with necessary information is another important function of the Central Records Division. One thousand six hundred thirty-seven (1,637) traffic accident reports were received and processed. Six thousand seven hundred seventy (6,770) offense reports were distributed this year to outside agencies.
The Inmate Records section of the Central Records Division is responsible for updating each inmate’s file after a court appearance or an issued court order. This department not only processes inmate files while they are incarcerated but prepares the files for close-out when they are released. They facilitate video arraignments and process inmates for prison ride-outs.
Contact Central Records
Located in the main lobby of headquarters
Request Copy of Crash or Incident Report

The public can seek assistance in the main lobby of Sheriff’s Office headquarters.